Capability: Pre/Post | Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) market report


Pre/Post deals with Pre-Processing (model generation) and/or Post-Processing (results evaluation) for a specified set of simulation solvers.  Simulation solvers that have integrated Pre-Post capabilities specific to their solver are not included.

Pre / Post | Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Market Report Table of Contents

  • Cambashi CAE Market Observatory
  • Sources
  • Definition of the Pre/Post Capability
  • Market Size
  • Size & Growth of Pre/Post Capability
  • Position of “Pre/Post” Capability Within CAE Market
  • For each of the Top 5 vendors:
    • Size & Growth
    • Position for Provider within Pre/Post Market
    • Position of “Pre/Post” within Provider
  • Other Providers

Data in this Computer Aided Engineering Market report is provided in “Software Revenue” and “Total Revenue” terms.

  • “Software Revenue” includes CAE-related software licences, maintenance, and subscription revenues. It excludes provider services and non-CAE-related software revenue.
  • “Total Revenue” includes CAE-related provider services in addition to CAE-related software revenue. Third-party services are excluded.

Data is provided in U.S. Dollars (USD) and relate to Provider Revenues. Reseller margin and sales tax are excluded. All data is for the Worldwide market in 2022, unless otherwise stated. The data used in this snapshot is from the Cambashi CAE Observatory.

Forecasts and other data in this workbook are based on economic data from various sources published during early

The CAE Observatory was built in conjunction with industry specialists to help plan and develop the dataset, as well as contribute research and validation. The data is based upon multiple sources and viewpoints of the market, the most important being primary research of vendors. The model feeds additional information and industry knowledge from other stakeholders and the Cambashi Market Observatories.

The CAE software industry is constantly evolving. Due to mergers, acquisitions and ongoing research, the list of included providers and products will change over time. This is a continual process.

Scope covering the CAE Market

2D and 3D physics based, simulation/analysis software, and related services using discretisation methods (e.g., Finite Element, Finite Volume, Finite Difference, Discrete Element, Meshless Methods, …).

Model Based Systems Engineering. From an overall system perspective, numerical models of components and systems behaviour (e.g. Modelica, AmeSim, …) are excluded. This might include 0d & 1D controls; physics simulation/analysis software and related services.


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